Evanston 3x3, 3/SS G/60, d5, March
Saturday, March 22, 2025
300 Dodge Ave., Evanston, IL 60202
3SS G/60, delay 5. USCF Dual Rated
Open to players who are EITHER age 14 and older OR whose US Chess Current Published Regular Rating for the month of the tournament is 900 or higher. Look up the rating as shown here.
Guest master: TBA
(Guest masters receive free entry and an honorarium. This opportunity is open to players who are US Chess National masters or FIDE FM, WFM or above. If you qualify and are interested, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..)
Three Sections
Section Gold: 1700 and over (1600 - 1699 may play up to Gold)
Section Silver: 1200-1699 (1100 - 1199 may play up to Silver)
Section Bronze: U1200 and unrated
Sections may be combined at TD discretion.
IMPORTANT: We use the US Chess Current Published Regular rating for the month of the tournament to place players in sections. We don’t make exceptions. Here's how to look up the rating we use.
Junior players: Junior players (under fourteen years) rated 900+ are welcome. We do not accept junior players rated under 900. Must be accompanied by an adult throughout the event.
Three rounds. Digital clocks are required and will be set to G/60, delay 5. You may take one half-point bye in round 1 or round 2.
Prizes: Your prize is an excellent playing experience at a reasonable cost.
Advance entries are strongly recommended. Entry fee is $20.
Please pre-register and pay using the button below when registration opens. Online registration closes when the tournament is full; we don’t have a wait list; we reopen registration when spaces become available.
You must have valid US Chess membership to play in this tournament; you do not need to be a member of the Levy Center Chess Club..
On-Site Entries: Check evanstonchess.org the morning of the tournament. If space is available on-site entries for $20 cash are taken on an as-available basis starting at 9:00 a.m.
Master and Expert Entries: First two Masters or Experts who sign up get free entry. If your USCF or FIDE regular rating is 2000 or higher, email your name and USCF ID to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5 p.m. the Tuesday before the tournament to pre-register.
Check-in and On-site Registration from 9:00 to 9:30 AM.
Players must check in on the posted registration list by 9:30 am; players who don’t check in receive a half-point bye for the first round or will be paired with another late arrival.
First Round 9:50 am, last round over roughly 5:00 pm.
Bring your lunch! We will have a brief lunch break with no time to go out for food. On-site we have vending machine snacks, coffee and soft drinks.
Other information: Sets supplied. Bring digital delay clocks. Wheelchair accessible. No Smoking. Limit 50 players.
For more information: www.evanstonchess.org or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tournament Info
Event Date | March 22, 2025 |
Registration Start Date | 01-27-2025 |
Capacity | 54 |
Registered | 15 |
Available place | 39 |
Individual Price | $20.00 |
Location | Levy Activity Center |